HEllO! I am Joshua.

I was born 24 years ago, and I live a soft, sweet life. I was born on a huge island with everything I need. Ever since, I've been exploring, learning, talking and creating! I have made this public web page to persue self actualisation - the highest step of the pyramid that one can use to reach their stubby arms heaven-ward. Halleluija!

Often, I need to shut up and listen. Learning is not something you can choose not to do, but it is something you can choose to do. If that makes sense. I want to be more choosey, thorough, intentional with it. You become what you focus on. The internet brings the world to our fingertips!

And I want to speak! Maybe even need to! I always have, of course, but I'm talking self-indulgently, and in hopes that another person might enjoy it.

This public web page is an exercise in yes-andism and will give endless ever-expanding wide open spaces to the pony called Yeshua. Or Joshua. I hope you enjoy!